

发布时间: 2009-03-10   来源:查字典高考网

查字典英语教师 吕腾飞老师

1.Have you been wasting time on computer games again?

_______. Ive been studying a lot and I need a break.

A. No way B. Not really C. I dont agree D. I couldnt agree more

答案:B 解析:根据下一句我一直在学习,我需要休息一下可知,此处应是我没有浪费时间玩游戏。Not really意思是事实上不是、没有,符合此处语境。No way 意思是没门;

I dont agree 意思是我不同意,表示绝句对方的提议;I couldnt agree more 意思是我非常同意,与所提供的情景矛盾。

2.Could we see each other at 3 o'clock this afternoon?

Sorry, let's make it ________ time.


A. other's

B. the other

C. another

D. other

答案: C 解析:本题考查交际用语。根据上下文,another time 表示 下次,改个时间。

3 .--May I ask a question after class, Sir?

---_________, but not during my lunch break. (2008重庆卷)

A. I'm sorry

B. Anytime

C. Certainly

D. Go ahead

答案:C 解析:本题考查交际用语。根据上下文表示 当然可以,不过不能在午饭期间。

4.I'm afraid I can't return the book to you before Friday.


A. Don't be afraid

B. Be careful

C. Not at all

D. Take you time

答案:D 解析:本题考查交际用语。根据上下文可以看出没有关系,不要着急;慢慢来

5.Would you like to join us in the game?

_____, for I have something important to attend to.


A. I will

B. Id love to

C. I wont

D. Im afraid not

答案是D。解析:考查交际用语的用法。从答句I have something important to attend to来看,只有D项符合语境。

Are you all right?


A. Thats OK

B. I think so

C. Take it easy

D. Its very kind of you

答案:B 解析:本题考查的是交际用语中so指代一个肯定的宾语从句的用法,在这里so指代Im all right。本句的意思是:---你好吗?---我想是这样(我想我的身体还不错)。对于这种题型,考生在复习时应该特别注意加强对中西方文化知识的比较和了解,掌握使用地道的英语表达习惯来交流思想、传递信息。

6. Shall we go out for dinner tonight?



A. You are right

B. It must be funny

C. That sounds great

D. Have a nice time

答案:C 解析:本题考查的是交际用语。本题第一句---Shall we go out for dinner tonight?实际上是一个表示建议的句子,而不是一般的疑问,这一点必须要特别引起注意。A项表示你是对的;B项表示这肯定很有趣;C项表示听起来很不错;D项表示(祝你)玩得愉快。根据四个选项可以判知,C项可用来对前一句表示赞同。

7. - Is Peter there?

--- _____________, please. Ill see if I can find him for you. (20008江苏卷)

A.Hold up

B.Hold on

C.Hold out

D. Hold off

答案:B 解析:本题考查的是打电话时的用语,Hold on意为别挂

8. Have you got any job offers?

No.1 _____ (2008辽宁卷)

A. waited B. had been waiting C. have waited D. am wailing

答案: D 解析:此题考查时态与交际用语的结合,由句意可知:目前还在等待。故用现在进行时。

9 。 ---My name is Jonathan. Shall I spell it for you?

-----_ (2008辽宁卷)

A. lf you dont mind B. Not at all

C. Take it easy D. Nice to meet you


10 .Would you like to join me for a quick lunch before class?

______, but I promised Nancy to go out with her.(2008卷Ⅰ)

A. Id like to

B. I like it.

C. I dont

D. I will

答案:A 【试题解析】从对话上文可知是回答对方的请求。Id like to 与上文呼应。


11.What fruit is in season now?

Pears and apples, ______(.2008卷Ⅰ)

A. I know

B. I think

C. I see

D. I feel


【试题解析】根据对话上文可知,对别人提出问题的发表自己的看法应用I think(我认为)


12.Sorry, I made a mistake again.

______. Practice more and youll succeed. (.2008卷Ⅰ)

A. Never mind

B. Certainly not

C. Not at all

D. Dont mention it


【试题解析】Certainly not常用来回答别人问是否见意的问题;Not at all 和 Dont mention it.用于别人致谢时的答语。只有Never mind符合语境。题意是对不起,我又出错了。没关系,多练习,你就会成功的。


13.Say, Jane, will you come with me to the game Friday?

--_____, Bob, but I promised Mary Id go with her.( 山东卷)

A. My pleasure

B. Thanks

C. Take it easy

D. Forget it.

答案:B 解析:此题考查情景对话。对于对方的邀请表示感谢病并委婉拒绝。情景对话要从礼貌出发。My pleasure 相当于Its my pleasure, 用于回答对方的感谢.Take it easy意为:别着急,慢慢来。Forget it意为:算了吧,别再提了,常用于回答别人的感谢和道歉。

14.-----I have some big news for you. Youve been accepted as a member of our club.

----_______ Thats great!

A. Have I ?

B. Pardon?

C. Congratulations!

D. Good idea!

【答案与简析】A。本题考查语言的交际功能。选项A.Have I?是Have I been accepted as a member of our club?的省略。在有清晰的上下文的情况下,口语中尽量使用简洁的表达。选项B.Pardon?用于请求别人重复说过的话;选项C.Congratulations!用于祝贺别人取得的成绩;选项D.Good idea!用于对别人的建议表示赞同。


15. -----Good evening. Huangshan Hotel.

-----Good evening. ______________?(2008安徽卷)

A. Do you still have a room for tonight

B. What would you like, please

C. Is there anything I can do for you

D. Who is that speaking, please


【解题思路】本题题干中Huangshan Hotel是解题的关键,从中看出对话双方的身份,从而容易理解对话内容。

16.I think youd better type this letter again before Mr. Smith see it.

-- Oh, dear!(2008江西卷)

A. Who cares?

B. No problem

C. I dont mind at all

D. Is it as bad as that?


本题考查情景交际。由我想你在Mr. Smith 看到之前应该把这封信再打印一次 哦,真的吗? 可知对方对此不以为然。Is it as bad as that? ( 有那样糟吗?)其中A项Who care ( 谁在乎?) 不礼貌。


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