

发布时间: 2014-12-25   来源:查字典高考网



Students are encouraged to vote on the universitys proposal to change the food service on campus. Students should vote for which of two options they prefer. Option 1 would expand the main cafeteria in the Students Center , including the addition of more food choices and more dining space this option would also close the two snack bars on campus. Option 2 would close the cafeteria in the Student Center but would maintain the two snack bars, and would add five food service areas across campus, including two cafes, a deli, a barbecue grill, and a fine dining room.(99 words)


Mains points:

? universitys proposal

? Students should vote

? Option 1 : expand the main cafeteria in the Students Center , add more food choices dining space close the two snack bars on campus.

? Option 2 : close the cafeteria in the Student Center; maintain the two snack bars, add five food service,


The man expresses his opinion about the campus food service. State his opinion and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.

Topic: two students discussion about the notice

Mains points:

? the man doesnt like the option 1

? too crowded

? not enough bike racks

? like smaller eating places, less crowding, more choices

Sample answer:

In this set of materials, the reading passage is a notice of vote on campus food service and the listening material is a discussion between two students about the notice

In the listening material, the mans opinion about the campus food service is that Option2 is better. The man likes this option because It adds several more places to get food. He will not vote for Option 1 because he doesnt like the cafeteria. The cafeteria is too crowded and there is no place to put his bike. He prefers having many places to eat on the campus because this will be less crowded and more convenient. Also, there will be more food choices, such as barbecue.


Notice on the door of the chemistry lab

The staff of the chemistry lab regrets to inform all students and faculty in the Chemistry Department that the chemistry lab is now closed due to an unfortunate occurrence there. Because of this unfortunate circumstance that has rendered the chemistry lab unusable, it has been necessary to close the lab until necessary repairs can improve the condition of the lab to a point that is once again usable. The staff of the chemistry lab sincerely regrets any inconvenience that this might cause students and faculty who make use of the lab as part of their research or studies. Repairs to the lab will commence at the soonest possible moment, and the lab will be reopened as soon as it is feasible (though, based on the current condition of the lab, it might take a considerable amount of time). Once again, the staff of the chemistry lab apologizes for this inconvenience.

TOPIC: notice about closing of chemistry lab

Main points:

unfortunate occurrence in chemistry lab

chemistry lab now unusable

not opened for some time

Notes from the conversation:

TOPIC: student discussion of situation in chemistry lab

Main points:

students both unable to complete lab work assigned for class

woman seems worried; man doesnt

rumor that students chemistry professor caused explosion


The students express their opinions about the notice posted on the door of the chemistry lab. State how they feel about it and what they think happened

Difference or similarity

Sample Answer:

In this set of materials, the reading passage describes a notice on the door of the chemistry lab, and the listening passage is a discussion by two students on what is in the note.

According to the reading passage, the notice explains that there was an unfortunate occurrence in the chemistry lab, that the lab is now unusable, and that it most likely will not be open for some time to come.

In the listening passage, the students discuss the notice and what it means for them. They will not be able to complete the lab work that has been assigned for their chemistry class; the woman seems more concerned about this than the man does. One interesting point in all of this is that the man has heard a rumor that it was their own chemistry professor who caused an explosion that damaged the lab. The students seem to be amused at this thought.

例 3

Memo from the librarian

Too many students have been failing to return library materials or to pay late fees for materials that were returned after the due date. In order to remedy this situation, the decision has been reached that library privileges will be suspended for any students who have failed to return materials or have failed to pay required late fees. This means that students whose library privileges have been suspended will not be able to check out any further library materials until any delinquencies have been cleared.


TOPIC: memo from head librarian on what to do about students not returning materials and paying late fees

Main points:

students library privileges stopped

students unable to check library materials out


The students express their opinions of the announcement made by the head librarian. State their opinions, and explain the reasons they give for holding these opinions

Sample Answer:

In this set of materials, the reading passage is a memo from the librarian, and the listening passage is a discussion by two students on the announcement.

According to the reading passage, the memo from the librarian explains what will be done about students who do not return materials they have checked out from the library or pay late fees for the materials that have not been returned on time.

In the listening passage, the students discuss this memo from the head librarian. They have very different opinions of this memo. The man thinks that this new policy is wrong because students need to use the library, so they should not be prevented from using it. The woman thinks that the new policy is OK because students need to return books and pay fees, so something has to be done.


v Note on the classroom door

Professor Allen is ill and will not be on campus for the rest of the week. Because he will miss two sections of History 127 on Thursday and Friday, he has asked that the students in these two sections complete some work while he is away from campus. Before next Mondays class, he would like you to read Chapters 9, 10, and 11 in the text and answer the essay question at the end of each chapter. He would like you to have your essays ready to turn in at next Mondays class and would also like you to be prepared for a quiz on the three chapters that he has asked you to read.

TOPIC: note about professors absence

situation described in note:

ill professor to miss classes for rest of week

many assignments for students (three chapters to read, three essays to write, quiz to prepare for)

TOPIC: student discussion of note main points of discussion :

man expects break during professors absence

man and woman both surprised at huge amount of work

huge amount of work, more than usual


State how they feel about the information..

Difference or similarity

Sample Answer:

In this set of materials, the reading passage is a note .. and the listening passage is a discussion by two students on... (summarize each passage with one sentence)

According to the reading passage, the notice explains (discusses) ...

In the listening passage, the students discuss the notice ..

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