

发布时间: 2014-12-25   来源:查字典高考网

98年01月 托福听力文字

Part A

1. A: The tickets for that rock concert finally go on sale next Saturday at five oclock.

B: I heard that anyone who wants one had better get there sooner than that.

What does the woman imply?

2. A: Your train will be ready for boarding in fifteen minutes, sir. Breakfast will be

offered in the dining car.

B: Good. Ill have just enough time to send a fax before leaving.

What does the man plan to do next?

3. A: Shall I cut your hair for you?

B: No way. Last time you almost made me bald.

What does the man imply?

4. A: I have to call the apartment manager.

B: Lost your keys again, huh?

What does the woman imply?

5. A: Would you like to try the new seafood restaurant tonight? I hear its very good.

B: I have to give a presentation tomorrow and I need to do a trial run.

What does the woman mean?

6. A: Uh huh. Somebody left their wallet here.

B: See if there is some kind of identification in it.

What does the man suggest the woman do?

7. A: Dr. Smith asked us to watch that special on the Civil War on TV this weekend. Do

you want to come over Saturday night?

B: Oh, Im supposed to help my cousin move then. Its being rebroadcast on Sunday

afternoon though. Is that OK for you?

What does the man mean?

8. A: I dont know how I managed to break that platter. Ill be more than happy to buy

you a new one.

B: Forget about it. Some things just cant be helped.

What does the woman mean?

9. A: I wonder if there is a bus that goes by the museum.

B: The history museum on Main Street? Take one that says eight A on the front.

What does the man mean?

10. A: Its pouring. Were never going to make our flight if we dont leave soon.

B: Oh, dont worry so much. Im sure well get there in plenty of time.

What does the woman mean?

11. A: Hey, theres a program on the radio tonight at seven you might like. Its about


B: I hadnt heard about it. But youre right, I am interested.

What will the woman probably do?

12. A: How long can you keep the videotapes?

B: If they are not returned by the time the media center closes tonight, Ill have to pay

a fine.

What does the man mean?

13. A: So you need some one to watch your cats while youre away.

B: Would that be a problem for you?

What does the man want to know?

14. A: Jane told me shed meet me here at the library reference desk at one oclock.

But she hasnt shown up yet.

B: Oh, I just saw her upstairs in the third floor study lounge. She said she had been

expecting you at 12:30.

What does the man say about Jane?

15. A: Could you give this note to Mitchell?

B: Give it to Mitchell? What am I? a messenger?

What does the man imply?

16. A: Im sorry I forgot to return your physics book last night.

B: Ill forgive you considering the test isnt till Friday.

What does the man imply?

17. A: Im having a lot of trouble with calculus and my professor cant seem to explain it in

a way that makes sense to me.

B: You know, the student government runs a tutoring service. I was ready to drop

trigonometry last semester before they helped me out.

What does the man suggest the woman do?

18. A: I see that your roommate Donnas editor of the newspaper this year.

B: Editor yes, but youd never know she was my roommate. Ive hardly seen her

since the beginning of the term. She might as well move her bed over to the

newspaper office.

What can be inferred about Donna?

19. A: John, I really cant afford any more interruptions right now. Ive got to finish this


B: Im sorry Cathy. Just one more thing, I forgot to ask you if you could give me a

ride to school tomorrow.

What can be inferred about the man?

20. A: Im really disappointed about not getting that job.

B: An evening at the Jazz club ought to make you feel better.

What does the man suggest the woman do?

21. A: Every single book I need for my report is off the shelves.

B: Tough luck.

What does the man mean?

22. A: Ive got five pairs of pants and seven shirts packed.

B: Youll be away for a while then.

What does the woman mean?

23. A: I just admitted my entry for the art clubs photography contest.

B: I had no idea there was going to be one.

What does the man mean?

24. A: Do you ever get tired of all the talk about fat and cholesterol?

B: Do I? You know sometimes I think its just a fad. How can so many different

things be bad for you?

What does the woman imply?

25. A: I thought you were going to call me last night about the train schedule.

B: Sorry, I would have. But Harry and Jack stopped by and stayed past midnight.

What does the woman mean?

26. A: Ill read you the main points of the report over the phone.

B: GREat. Thatll help me stay on top of the project till Im able to come back to work.

What does the man mean?

27. A: Ill be happy to show you more spacious unit on the twelfth floor.

B: Please do. This place is nice but it seems pretty cramped.

What does the woman imply?

28. A: I hear you did some serious shopping this past weekend.

B: Yep. The speakers from my old stereo finally gave out and there was no way to

repair them.

What did the woman probably do over the weekend?

29. A: We are thinking of taking the kids to the new aquarium this weekend. Do you think

its worth the trip?

B: Ive heard good things about it. I hope I get a chance to go myself soon.

What does the woman imply?

30. A: Its a tradition. Every New Years Day my sister and I go skating on the lake.

B: Has it been cold enough this winter? Or will you go indoors?

What does the man imply

Part B

Questions 31-35 Listen to a conversation between two students whove met on campus.

How do you and your housemates like the new co-op? Im thinking of joining it


We like it quit a bit. We get some very fresh produce and both staples and fair prices.

But it certainly hasnt saved us time. The co-op doesnt carry everything. So we still

wind up going to the supermarkets too, for cleaning supplies, batteries, that sort of thing.

I wish the co-op sold those items. Ive been talking about it with some of the other


What do members have to do? Just pay a membership fee?

Yeah. Theres a fee and therere meetings. But attendance isnt acquired. But we

do have to work there for an hour every week, which isnt too bad. Once you are there

you can get your shopping done.

I wouldnt mind working there sometime. Youll get to know about the products. But

is the food free of additives. That will be the main reason I join. Im a convert from

junk food. Until now my diets have been largely chemical additives and pesticides.

Well, a lot of food is pure and pesticide-free. They also have vitamin supplements

and soy and tofu and that kind of thing. Lots of health food enthusiasts shop there. So

if any source health oriented, the co-op is.

Id like to try it just for a month or so. Do they have trial memberships?

The shortest membership time is one month. Then if you like it, you can join for

longer periods. And it BEComes cheaper. A six-month membership costs as much as

five individual months.

Sounds pretty easy. Maybe the next time I run into you again itll be at the checkout

line in the co-op.

31. What are the speakers mainly discussing?

32. What change does the woman suggest the co-op make?

33. What is one thing members of the co-op must do?

34. Why might the man join the co-op?

35. What is the advantage for the people who join the co-op for a six-month period?

Questions 36-39 Listen to a conversation between two students in the campus cafeteria.

Gosh! Fred. Another cup of coffee? Thats your third since lunch.

Yeah. Well, I stayed up all night cramming for my history exam. I couldnt keep my

eyes open in my last class. Im having this coffee so I can stay awake this afternoon.

Dont you know that drinking too much coffee is harmful?

What do you mean harmful?

Well, for one thing, it may cause heart disease.

Nah. Most of the research about the link between coffee and heart disease is


But coffee has caffeine which is addictive.

You cant become addicted to caffeine like other drugs.

Yes, you can. Dont you know that people who are deprived of caffeine suffered

withdraw symptoms especially headaches.

One cure for headaches, oddly enough, is caffeine. Havent you ever noticed that

many over-the-counter headache remedies use caffeine as one of their inGREdients?

Besides, coffee helps me work faster.

Studies have shown that coffee makes you work faster, but not necessarily better.

You may finish your exam in a shorter period of time but you wont have fewer errors.

You know, that soda youre drinking has caffeine in it too.

But twelve ounces of soda has only half the caffeine of a five ounces cup of coffee.

And a cup of tea has less than that.

But I like the taste of coffee.

You could drink decaf.

Decaffeinated coffee doesnt have as much flavor or body as regular coffee.

Besides, I want something that will keep me alert in class.

36. What is the conversation mainly about?

37. What is the mans problem?

38. What does the man say research shows about coffee?

39. What does the woman probably think about coffee

Part C

Questions 40-43 Listen to part of a lecture in a composition class.

By the end of the term, I hope you will be convinced as I am that formal writing always

requires revision. Sometimes it requires a fairly major rewriting of the paper. Some

students have the mistaken idea that revision means simply making corrections in spelling

and grammar. I call that proofreading. What I expect you to do with your revise is to

evaluate and improve the overall effectiveness of your paper. But how can you tell if

your paper is effective?

Well, for example, start by asking yourself these questions: Is the topic restricted

enough to be fully discussed within the given length? Are the main ideas clear? Are

they supported by specific details and examples? Do they move smoothly from one idea

to the next?

You need enough time for a possible major overhaul. That is you may have to make

a lot of changes before your paper becomes really clear to the reader. So Ill expect a

preliminary draft of each paper two weeks before the final due date. That way I can

criticize it and get it back in time for you to revise it. Then you can submit a final draft for


This process may seem like a great deal of trouble at first, but I think youll find it

valuable. In fact, after you finish this course, I doubt that you well ever turn in a term

paper without first revising it carefully.

40. What is the purpose of the talk?

41. What should be the students main goal as they revise their work?

42. When should the first drafts be turned in?

43. What effect does the instructor think the class will have on the students?

Questions 44-46 Listen to part of a radio program about environmental issues.

Are electric cars the way of the future? Automobile manufactures are under pressure

to develop cars that do not pollute. One powerful motive is a California law requiring that

by the year 2000 ten percent of new car sells in the state be so called zero-emission

vehicles. These cars must put no pollutants whatsoever into the atmosphere.

California is a huge market for the automobile companies, so they are working hard to

meet these standards. So far the electric car seems to be the best alternative. So the

big advantage of electric cars is that they dont pollute. However they will be in

competition with gas-powered cars and thats where the weaknesses come out.

The big problem is that the batteries that power electric cars weigh a lot relative to the

amount of power they deliver. For instance, in one prototype electric car, the batteries

weighed 400 kilograms. And they provide enough energy to go 250 kilometers before

recharging, which takes eight hours. Compare that to a moderately fuel-efficient

conventional car, it can go 600 to 700 kilometers on a tank of gas and refilling takes just

minutes. If there are other drains on an electric cars batteries besides the motor,

headlights, air-conditioning or a heater, its already limited range will be significantly

reduced. So automobile engineers are trying to make more powerful batteries that would

increase the cars range and make them more attractive to buyers.

44. What is the talk mainly about?

45. What is the main advantage of electric cars over gas-powered cars?

46. What is the main drawback of the electric car?

Questions 47-50 Listen to a talk given at a museum of natural history.

Id like to welcome you all to the Museum of Natural History. Todays tour will take us

through our newly renovated dinosaur exhibit where we have the largest collection of

dinosaur fossils anywhere in the world.

Before we begin the tour, let me mention that there have been some major

modifications to some of the exhibits over the past three years. Basically these changes

were made because of recent changes in the way scientists interpret dinosaur behavior.

For example, when we get to the first room, youll be able to see that the tyrannosaurs

rex skeleton is no longer standing upright with its tail dragging on the floor. Thats

because paleontologists as they examined the area around its footprints more closely,

realized they could find no evidence of a heavy dragging tail which would have left behind

marks in the earth. In its new position, the backbone is parallel to the floor, its head is

pushed forward and its tail is stretched out acting as a counterweight. This new pose

stresses the relationship between dinosaurs and modern birds and supports the theory

that dinosaurs are actually more closely related to birds than to any other existing


Let me also point out that we have changed the way we grouped dinosaurs in our

displays. Theres a new school of thought called kledistics where scientists determine

relationships among the animals according to common physical characteristics. The

plesiosaurs and the oviraptour for instance, are separated by 148 million years. But

they are grouped together here, because they both have a grass bean forefoot and an

s-shape neck, physical evidence that they are indeed related. So now the exhibition

halls are arranged more like a family tree rather than the work-through tine that they used

to be.

47. Why has the museum modified its dinosaur exhibit?

48. According to the speaker what is the tyrannosaurs rex new position evidence of?

49. Why are the plesiosaurs and the oviraptour displayed together?

50. How were the dinosaurs originally grouped in the exhibit

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