

发布时间: 2014-12-25   来源:查字典高考网








1。 http://en。wikipedia。org/wiki/Main_Page


2。 http://www。articlesbase。com/


3。 http://www。chinadaily。com。cn/opinion/


4。 http://www。answers。com/


5。 http://www。economist。com/debate/


6。 http://www。idebate。org/


7。 http://www。quotationspage。com/


8。 http://www。personal-development。com/





Some people believe that time spent on television, video and computer games can be valuable for children。 Others believe this has negative effects on a child。 Discuss both views and give your own opinion。


Some people believe that in order to reduce crime, prisoners should be given longer prison sentence while other people think there are other alternative ways。 Discuss the both viewpoints and give your opinion。


Old generations often hold some traditional ideas on the correct way of life, thinking and behavior。 However, some people argue that older ideas are not helpful for the younger generation in preparing for the modern life in the future。

To what extent do you agree of disagree?


In countries where there is a high rate of unemployment, most pupils should be offered only primary education。 There is no point in offering secondary education to those who have no hope of finding a job。 To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

2008 年2月2日

Some people think it is acceptable to use animals for the benefit of the human beings。 Some people think it is wrong to exploit animals for the human purposes。 What is your opinion?


People living in big cities face many problems today。 What are the problems? Should the government encourage people to live in regional towns?


An American film actor John Wayne said: Tomorrow is the most important thing in life。

How important it is to thinking about the future rather than focus on the present, for individuals and for the society?

Whats your opinion?


There is a possibility for any country to buy a wide variety of foods from other places all over the world。 To what extent do you agree that the benefit of this development outweigh the drawback?


The government thinks that education system should be up to date。 Following are a list of the subjects taught in school。 Which two do you think are the most important subjects and which one is the least important to the young people?

Literature Sports

Mathematics Economics

Physics Music

Psychology History

Geography Foreign languages


Some people think that young people (children and teenagers) can easily learn foreign languages; others believe that adults are more successful in it。 Discuss both and give your opinion。

As the number of cars increases, more money has to be spent on road systems。 Some people think the government should pay for this。 Others, however, think that the car users should cover the costs。 Discuss both these views and give your own opinion


People should look after their health to the society they live in rather than only own personal benefits。 To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Long distance flight uses more fuel than car and brings pollution to the environment。 We should discourage non-essential flight rather than limit the use of car。 To what extent do you agree or disagree?


More working people are busy working and do not have enough time to spend with their family and friends。 Why does this happen? What are the possible effects of these on family life and society as a whole?


Children learn things from TV easily。 Some people suggest that they should be encouraged to watch TV regularly both at home and at school。 To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Some people think that schools should concentrate on academic classes。 They think music and sports classes are not useful。 To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Cheap air travel is welcomed because some people think it will give ordinary people more freedom to travel by air。 However, others suggest that air travel should be more expensive as it causes environmental problems, in order to discourage people from traveling by air。

Discuss both views and present yours。


In many countries, traditional foods are being replaced by international fast foods。 This is having a negative effect on both families and societies。 To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Mobile phones and the Internet are useful for old people。 However, this section of population is the least users of Mobile phones and the Internet。

What do you think mobile phones and the Internet used by old people?

How to encourage old people to use mobile phones and the internet?


Nowadays, more university students choose to study some practical subjects (such as marketing, computer programming, etc。), instead of theoretical subjects (such as economy, math, chemistry)。 Some people suggest that universities should focus on practical subjects, but not theoretical subjects。

To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Some people support development in agriculture, such as factory farming and scientific create of new type of fruits and vegetables。 Some people opposite it and support other development。

Discuss both views and give your opinion。


Some people think that we are more independent on each other in the world now, while others suppose that we are more dependent of each other。

Discuss both views and give your reasons。


Some people think international cooperation has brought benefits to world environment protection, while some people think more benefits has been brought to international business。

Discuss both views and give your own opinion。

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