Version 95写作参考_雅思写作_本科留学-查字典高考网

Version 95写作参考

发布时间: 2014-12-25   来源:查字典高考网




Version 95

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of unisexual schools.


A lot of schools in some countries are unisexual schools nowadays despite

of the fact that many people have argued the appropriateness of the

existence of such schools.

We know human beings are social creatures. They are social because men and

women take part in a common party named society. If teenagers were divided

into two groups at the stage of their primary school period, they would

probably lose a sensitivity of the normal society. The primary problem faced

by unisexual school students is that they would have difficulties in

communicating with others, especially with people of opposite sex. They are

likely to have trouble in living alone after they join the working force

due to many unisexual school students regulations. Another major problem

caused by unisexual education is that it would affect setting up families,

the basic cells of modern society. We can imagine(THE SITUATION THAT) a shy boy

who seldom has opportunities to talk with girls facing a lovely girl (but does not know)

NOT KNOWING how to express his affection. Hes probably going to fail in winning

(over) the girls favor. Everybody has his or her own developing characteristics during

the growth. The puberty is an essential stage in ones life. If male

students and female students can have proper communication in their growing

stages of lives, they (do) not only mutually make up for their deficiency

by learning from the others strong points, but also have progress in

their studies.

On the other hand, there are also advantages. Take women-only-schools as an

example, the school management systems are more succinct as all the students

are (females)FEMALE and the relationship among them is very pure. They can

concentrate on studies much better. Whats more, some schools additionally

(build)OPEN certain curriculums such as flower arrangement, physique and female

defending techniques for the female students to( take part in)ATTEND. These

activities would( no doubt)DOUBTLESS help the students in developing their personal

interests and gaining practical knowledge.

(IN) Comparing advantages with disadvantages of unisexual schools, I believe

most people would tend to choose normal coeducation schools with both

genders because the disadvantages are far outweigh the advantages.

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