

发布时间: 2014-12-25   来源:查字典高考网


1. Do you often surf online?

Wind surfing

Log on

Never, seldom, sometimes, often, always, everyday, addicted

Frankly speaking, I never use internet, because I am allergic to computers, if I use computer for about one hour, I would have acnes on my face the next day.

Well, I am afraid that I am a little addicted to internet, because I spend about 5 hours a day online to play computer games.

Internet caf, cyber bar

2. What do you do online?

Well, I do a lot of things online. But mainly :

Read some news about my idol/

Check my email, send

Chat with my friends by using QQ and msn

Download some music and movies

Search some information for my assignment

Participate in some discussion on BBS

Shopping online

Do business online, I have my own shop online

Reserve/ book tickets

Fortune telling: constellation

Hunt a job

Make friends

Study English

Chat with my online wife(扩展以上观点的1,2点即可)

Search engine, scan, read, skim, and browse

3.What has internet brought to us?

What are the advantages of internet?

What can we benefit from internet?

It makes our life very convenient,

Internet offers/provides us with the latest information.

Communication (email, letters)

International trade

Distance education

4.What are the disadvantages of internet?

Although internet is a very

First of all, waste of time/addicted to computer games

Bad to my health, radiation, eyes

Since there is little control online, so there are a lot of porn and violence online, which is very bad to children.

It provides us with a lot of false information, so

Internet crime, which is difficult to be detected, very destroying.

Virus, lead to data lose

Introvert/ do not communicate with people much

Part II. Describe a website you often visit

You should say:

What is this website?

How did you get to know the website?

What are the uses of the website?

And explain why do you like it

Well, Id like to describe a website named/called www.englishpizzaland.com to you. (triple w dot dot com). It is a personal English website, which provides us with all kinds of information about English learning; we can get everything about English there, such as grammar, vocabulary and literature, etc. I have used it for a long time, and I have benefited a lot from it.

Actually, I got this web by accident, you know, I was looking for a place to have pizza, so I inserted the keyword pizza into the search engine of Google, and I entered, there appeared a lot of websites, so I clicked one of them randomly, to my surprise, it was an English website, and I loved it immediately, because there is a very interesting story on its homepage.

And I still remember the story, it goes like this:

Non-profited website

Public interest website

Online shopping

1.Have you ever bought something online?

Never, I think it is too risky. You know, I have a friend who was cheated when he tried to buy a computer online.

Yes, I did, two years ago I bought a book online, which only cost me one yuan, and I got a delivery.

2. How do you like online shopping?

I dont like shopping online, cos I prefer go shopping, which is more interesting, I can .

3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of shopping on line?

4. What kind of shopping style people would like to use? Traditional shopping style or shopping on line?

traditional shopping style

shopping on line


Shopping mall/center/department store




Money/cash/credit card/check

Computer/electronic currency/

Shopping process

Go to the shopping mall/choose products/payment/waiting for wrapping/end of shopping

Enter shopping website/scan products/choose products you need/fill in personal information form/pay now or later/leave the website/waiting for delivery /receiving products and paying.


Choose products in real/assuring quality /more choices/relax/good for women

Convenient/cheaper/good for men/payment delay


Long way to the shopping mall/spend money on things unneeded /tired/boring /expensive/pay at once

No guarantee of quality/long duration for delivery/one piece per time /less choices/technological limitation


Describe an advertisement you have seen before

What product it is about?

What is the special of the advertisement?

Advertisement is good or bad for new products?

Type of Products:

Makeup, cosmetics 化妆品/ commodity 日用品/electronic products/ home appliances家用电器

Special: scene画面/plot/story情节/moved/touched/impressed感人的/quality质量/channel宣传途径


1.Do you like ad.? Why and why not?

No, esp. commercials

Yes, cos some ad are very creative.

Value of art

It depends; I hate the ad inserted into the series play that I enjoy.

But for those public interest ad.

2. Do you think we should cancel the ad.?

Advertisement is good or bad for new products?



For producer

Introduction/propaganda/attract customers/profitable/improve enterprises reputation and image

Great investment/exaggeration夸张/harm to self-image(when its advertisement is not welcome)

For customer

Know about new product/more choices/easier to make decision

Be misguided/cheat/pay more money for less effects/feel boring
