云南省师范大学附属中学2017届高三高考适应性月考 英语_高考试题_高考资源网-查字典高考网

云南省师范大学附属中学2017届高三高考适应性月考 英语

发布时间: 2017-04-01   来源:查字典高考网



本试卷第I 卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分,第I 卷第I 页至第7页,第II 卷第7页至第8页。考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。满分120分,考试用时100分钟。









During my third and fourth grade years, my family moved to Louisville, Kentucky. To our surprise we soon discovered the World’s Boxing Champion’s mother lived less than one mile from our home. Ali was my dad’s idol.

During one of Ali’s visits to stay with his mother, my dad urged us to get in the car with his camera in hand. “Why?” we asked. “I know Ali is at his mother’s house. I want you boys to meet the champion!” he firmly replied.

My brother hopped(单脚跳)in an I was seriously forced to get in. I was scared to be so stupid as to go to this big man’s childhood home. Ali had a tight schedule and limited time with his mom and, honestly my dad’s over-asser-tive manner embarrassed me.

My brother was game(勇敢的); I was entirely too tame! I realized as a small potato my father was in his greatest strength. He killed fear by taking action in spite of it. Ali told my father that the was the “only cat” who was brave enough to knock on his mama’s door. I didn’t realize we were rude but we made it. The confident man who boxed and beat many big men down with his fists couldn’t resist the same confidence of a man with a camera and his boy.

Now looking a the picture of Ali’s big fist raised in good humor and against my brother’s left jaw, I thanked my dad for his devoting himself to bringing us up. My dad is a retired soldier and has a big heart. My brother is a lawyer and has won more cased of considerable currency than he’s lost, of which my father is proud. Not being as good as my brother, I am now studying in the top university of the world. My dad learned that in order to be a champion you must be willing to hand with champions

Now I recall when we got to Ali’s mom’s house, we kept knocking on the door but no one else replied. We knocked long enough and we realized our goal. If you knock long enough and wait patiently, the door of happiness will be open to you. People have peepholes(窥视孔)now, but don’t doubt your beliefs and if you must you will reach your goal.

1. What do we know about the author before the visit?

  A. He was afraid that he was stupid and embarrassed

  B. He was afraid of calling on the famous man Ali

  C. He was afraid that he couldn’t behave well

  D. He was afraid that Ali wouldn’t meet them

2. We can infer from the text that______.

  A. Ali and the author’s dad became friends    B. the author’s father only loved his brother

  C. the author’s father was a successful businessman  D. the author’s brother was active while he was shy

3. Why did the author’s father want to see Ali?

  A. He wanted his boys to learn from Ali    B. Ali was their neighbor and close relative

  C. He wanted his children to learn about boxing   D. Ali was one of his close fellows in the army

4. What can we learn from the last paragraph?

  A. Be patient and perseverant, you will succeed

  B. It is very difficult for you to see a great man

  C. Visiting a great man is very important in life

  D. One should believe others can succeed


A California teen has attracted the attention of tech giants Google for her potentially revolutionary invention which charges a phone in 20 seconds flat.

The super-fast charging device has been called a supercapacitor(超级电容器)by 18-year-old Esha Khare, of Saratoga—as she took $ 50,000 from the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair, which took place in Phoenix.

The device will make waiting hours for a phone to charge a thing of the past and the invention packs energy into a smaller space than traditional phone batteries and holds the charge for longer.

The supercapacitor is flexible and tiny, and is able to handle 10,000 recharge eyeles, more than normal batteries by a factor of 10. So far, Khare has only used her supereapacitor to power an LED—but she sees a bright future that one day will see her invention powering cell phones, cars and any device that requires a rechargeable battery.

Heading to Harvard, Khare told CBS San Francisco that this is only the start and that she will be “ setting the world on fire” from here. “My cell phone battery always dies,” she told NBC News when asked what inspired her to work on the energy-storage technology. Specializing in nanochemistry(纳米化学) allowed Khare to reduce the size of her invention.

Esha Khare, lonut Budisteanu and Henry Wangjune Lin got the top three prizes at this year’s Intcl Inernational Science and Engineening Fair in Phoenix. Khare explained her award-winning revolutionary invention. “ It is also flexible, so it can be used in rollup(卷曲)displays and clothing and fabric,” she added. “ It has different applications and advantages over batteries in that sense.”

An 18-year-old girl has managed to figure out something that multi-national corporations have not. This has led to.

5. The reason that the device attracted the attention of Google is that it______.

  A. can be bent    B. can power cars

  C. can charge a phone in 20 seconds    D. can handle 1,000 recharge cycles

6. What inspired Esha Khare to invent the device?

  A. The market demands    B. Cash prize of $ 50,000

  C. Heavy weight of her cell phone      B. Frequent death of her cell phone battery

7. The underlined phrase “ setting the world on fire” in Paragraph 5 means_______

  A. meeting with many difficulties    B. making more breakthroughs

  C. improving her invention         D. troubling the world

8. What can we infer about the future of Esha Khare’s device?

  A. It will have a brilliant future     B. It will be donated to the world

  C. It will have narrow applications  D. It will only be used in cell phones


    Mary Cassatt, the only American to ever exhibit with the Impressionists, was raised at a time in the United States when the thought of a woman artist was considered unconventional. To study art seriously, learning from the model and working in a studio of one’s own, was nearly impossible for a woman of her social status. However, at the age of 22. in complete challenging of conventions, Cassatt moved to Paris in 1866, settling in the studio of Carlo Raimndi, a local professor of engraving (雕刻)and etching (蚀刻).

Throughout her time in Paris, Cassatt built lasting bonds with many of the contemporary artists in France, and remained a lifelong friend and colleague of Degas’. In fact, it was Degas who invited Cassatt to exhibit with the Impressionists in 1877. Though she absorbed herself in the movement completely, and was even accepted equaled with the men of the group, she never overstepped the bounds of tradition. Her world was a charming and graceful one, limited to her circle of family and friends

Cassatt’s subjects are chosen from her immediate environment, and her incomparable rendering(表达) of the mother and the child theme will always be considered her main contribution to the history of art. It is important to note, however, that her mothers and children are wholly of this world, and offer no religious suggestions. They are modern women portrayed with realistic honesty and directness, whose features compose a deep psychological portrait. Her style was very much influenced by the Japanese woodblock prints that she and Degas viewed in 1890 at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts. She adapted the stylistic characteristics of those works, erasing unnecessary details and changing her perspective, and translated it into her etchings

Cassatt successfully made a place for herself in the history of art through her brave decisions and her remarkable performances. She is truly a master of the 19th century, and will always be considered an important component of Impressionist movement.

9. What caused Cassatt to move to Paris in 1866?

  A. Escaping from the United States

  B. Meeting Professor Carlo Raimondi

  C. Learning art seriously

  D. Being invited by Carlo Raimondi to work in his studio

10. The third paragraph is mainly about______.

   A. mothers and children features       B. the subjects and style of Cassatt’s works

   C. the effect of Japanese prints on Cassatt  D. Cassatt’s contribution to the history of art

11. What does the underlined word “ those” in Paragraph 3 refer to ?

   A. Japanese woodblock prints     B. The Ecole des Beaux-Arts.

   C. Stylistic characteristics       D. Features.

12. From the text we can learn that______.

   A. Cassatt was invited to exhibit with the Impressionists at 30

   B. Cassatt was a famous master of art in the 20th century

   C. Cassatt themes contributed a lot to the art

   D. Cassatt’s subjects were often honest and direct






Mother Daughter Outdoors

Friday, August 19, 2016-Sunday, August 21, 2016


Its specially designed for women. Its three-day adventure weekend that provides an excellent opportunity for everyone 9 years of age and above to learn outdoor skills, usually connected with hunting and fishing, but useful in a variety of outdoor pursuit(追逐). The educational courses provide hands on learning opportunities for participants. The cost for the event is $ 90 per participant, with meals and accommodations included. Register early to reserve your space! For more information contact Jimmy Moots at 804-367- 0656, or moots @dgif. Virginia. Gon.

Eastern Shore Birding and Wildlife Festival

Friday, September 16, 2016-Sunday, September 18, 2016


This is the most famous wildlife viewing event. The 16th annual festival continues to offer boat-and-land based trips to a variety of beautiful show locationsmany not generally open to the public. Thousands of songbirds pass through the Eastern Shore on their way to southern wintering grounds with colorful butterflies and dragonflies adding to the natural beauty of the occasion. For more information, contact Chirs Dunnavant at 757-787-2460, or info@ esvachamben. Org.

Outdoor Festival

Saturday, September 18, 2016


This festival lasts from 10 am to 7 pm, and has outdoor activities special for the entire family, including fishing in a pound, turkey shooting and much more! There is no charge for this event and food and drink are free as well. Bring your family! For more information, contact Jeff Atkins at 434-547-6770, or claybuster @dgif. virginia. gov.

Fishing Workshop at BearCreekLake

Saturday, October 22, 2016


The Angler(钓鱼者)Education Program is hosting a Fishing Workshop on October 22 at Bear Creek Lake State Park. This educational workshop is designed for beginning anglers at age 8 and other. Casting and other fishing techniques as well a fishing biology will be covered, followed by an opportunity to fish on BearCreekLake. The workshop is $15. For more information, contact Chris Dunnavant at 804-367-6778, or dunnavant @ dgif. vrginia. gov.

13. To participate in Mother Daugher Outdoors you______.

   A. must carry your own food    B. should be able to hunt or fish

   C. must be nine years old       D. need to do a lot of outdoor exercise

14. Which event offers participants an opportunity to enjoy the natural wonder?

   A. Outdoor Festival

   B. Mother Daughter Outdoors

   C. Fishing Workshop at BearCreekLake

   D. Eastern Shore Birding and Wildlife Festival

15. To find more information about a one-day family trip, you’d better send your e-mail to______.

   A. dunnavant @dgif. virginia. gov       B. moots @ dgif. virginia. gov

   C. claybuster @ dgif. virginia. gov       D. info @ esvachamben. Org



The young dolphin swam in the waters off Brisbane, Australia, and found his seafood dinner. Suddenly he realized that he was not the only hungry predator(捕食者)in the area. A ten-foot tiger shark aimed at the same fish. The dolphin refused to give up the meal and dashed to the shark. The shark attacked him, biting down hard into his back.   16

Later, on the sandy beach nearby, staff at the Tangalooma Resort were shocked to see the severely wounded male. He was a regularvisitor, a playful 12-year-old dolphin called Nari. “We’ve known him all his life, since he was a baby,” says resort director Trevor Hassard.   17The wound measure about a foot long and more than an inch deep. He took photos of Nari and sent them to vets at Sea World, a local marine mammal park. They agreed that Nari needed emergency care.

The next day, Sea World staff traveled to the beach to catch Nari.   18Nor did he appear the next evening. Everyone was depressed and worried about him.

__19“I had started thinking the worst,” Hassard says. “Words can’t describe how excited we were.” Six rescuers surrounded Nari and carried him to Sea World. The vets performed an operation to remove the dead flesh from around the bite. Nari was then moved to a special pool where his wound was cleaned and treated regularly.

__20Sea World decided to tansort Nair back to his home beach. Hassard had worried that the other dolphins might reject Nari after such a long absence. That concern disappeared when Nari’s friend Echo instantly recognized him and moved close to his side.

A. But Nari didn’t show up

B. Three days later, Nari finally turned up.

C. He felt quite worried when he took a close look at Nari’s injury

D. After seven weeks, Nari was fully recovered but growing restless.

E. Shark researchers are trying to warn people to escape without being eaten

F. The five-meter-long dolphin simply swam away, disappearing into the water below.

G. Luckily, the wounded dolphin managed to escape from the shark’s biting with violent struggle.


第一节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分)


In Kabul, it rarely rained in the summer. Blue skies stood tall and far, the sun like a branding iron blazing the back of your neck. Creeks  21Hassan and I skipped stones all spring turned dry, and rickshaws(人力车)  22dust when they roared by.

Summer meant long school days sweating in tightly packed,  23air-conditioned classrooms learning The Koran(《古兰经》),struggling   24those tongue-twisting Arabic words. A hot breeze brought with it the smell of shit from across the schoolyard, rolling  25around the worn basketball hoop.

But it rained the afternoon Dad took Ali and Hassan to the bus station. Gloomy clouds   26, pained the   27iron gray. Within minutes, sheets of rain were sweeping in, the steady flow of water swelling in my  28.

Dad  29offered to drive them to Bamiyan himself,  30Ali refused. Through the rain-soaked  31of my bedroom, I watched Ali drag the lone suitcase carrying all of their  32to Dad’s car. Hassan carried his mattress, rolled tightly and tied with a rope,  33his back. He’d left all of his toys behind in the empty house—I discovered them the next day, piled in a corner just like the birthday presents in my room.

I saw Dad shut the truck. Already   34, he walked to the driver’s side.35in and said something to Ali in the backseat, perhaps the last effort to change Ali’s mind. They talked that way a while, Dad getting soaked, bending over, one arm on the roof of the car. But when he straightened, I saw in his drooping shoulders that the life I had known  36I’d been born was over. Dad37in. The headlights came on and  38the rain. I watched Dad’s car pull away, taking with it the person  39first spoken word had been my name.

I stepped back and all I saw was rain through the window that looked like melting   40.

21. A. when   B. which   C. what   D. where

22. A. stirred   B. created   C. settled   D. spread

23. A. nicely   B. poorly   C. well    D. admirably

24. A. on   B. in   C. from   D. with

25. A. dust   B. leaves   C. water   D. shit

26. A. rolled in   B. rose up   C. dropped down   D. faded away

27. A. ground   B. tree C. building   D. sky

28. A. hands   B. head   C. eyes   D. ears

29. A. has   B. have   C. had   D. never

30. A. and   B. but   C. if   D. otherwise

31. A. television   B. radio   C. door   D. window

32. A. belongings   B. property   C. wealth   D. value

33. A. at   B. in   C. from   D. on

34. A. chilled   B. dried   C. soaked   D. frustrated

35. A. knelt   B. learned   C. lay   D. stood

36. A. since   B. from   C. at   D. after

37. A. slid   B. ran   C. leaped   D. climbed

38. A. separated   B. cut   C. joined   D. melted

39. A. that   B. which   C. when   D. whose

40. A. gold   B. silver   C. bronze   D. metal







As it’s easy to cultivate and it contains most of the vitamins necessary for health, potatos are popular in cultures worldwide. Originating   41South America, potatoes have been part of South American diet for hundreds of years. With multiple potato  42(variety) in the market, they are fried, baked, freeze-dried to form many beloved dishes. In Ireland, from its introduction in the 16th century, potatoes  43(hold) a central place in the Irish diet and been considered as the primary Irish crop. In the US, potatoes are one of the most  44(wide) consumed crops. French fries are commonly found in typical American fast-food restaurants and cafeterias. French fries were introduced to the US 45Thomas Jefferson served them in the White House during  46presidency from 1801-1809.

For many Chinese people, potatoes are considered a vegetable.47in the future, this will no longer be the case. A program to add potatoes to China’s list of food, joining rice, wheat and corn, will   48(expand) to diversify the Chinese menu and meet increasing food demands, agricultural experts and authorities with the Ministry of Agriculture said in   49conference on Jan. 6. Specifically, potato powder will be mixed into bread and noodle to suit Chinese consumers’ taste and  50(eat) habit.









I believe in the kindness of strangers. In a cold winter evening I was riding back home when I felt off my bike. My ankle was so painful to move. And make matters worse, my mobile phone was breaking too. At that time, the passerby stopped and asked me about my home address and the telephone number of my parents. I hesitated over if to tell him at first, but soon I choose to trust him. A few minutes later my parents came to the scene. After we said thanks to the man, he had disappeared into the darkness. Deep moved, I decided I would help strangers in trouble too.







2. 可适当增加细节,已使行文连贯。

3. 开头已为你写好不计入总词数。

Dear Peter,

It’s been ages since we last met and I really miss you. __________________________________________


                                                                              Yours sincerely,

                                                                              Li Hua










1~5 BDAAC         6~10 DBACB         11~15 ACDDC





21~25DABDA26~30ADDCB31~35DADCB36~40 AABDB


41in/from 42varieties     43have held      44widely     45when/as

46his        47But         48be expanded      49a        50eating



I believe in the kindness of strangersIn a cold winter evening I was riding back home when I


fell off my bikeMy ankle was so painful to moveAnd make matters worsemy mobile


phone was breaking tooAt that timethe passer-by stopped and asked me about my home address


and the telephone number of my parentsIhesitated over if to tell him at firstbut soon I choose to


trust himA few minutes later my parents came to the sceneAfter we said thanks to the man


he had disappeared into the darknessDeep movedI decided I would help strangers in trouble too




Dear Peter

It’s been ages since we last met and I really miss youHow have you been recently? I’ve been quite well myself

 I was so excited to hear that the national parks of Canada will be free for all visitors this year to celebrate its 150thbirthday! I’m attracted to both the colorful landscapes and the marvelous history and culture of Canada your countryFor this reasonI’m coming to visit it for my summer vacation on July 15thwith my friendsWe plan to stay for 10 daysduring which time we are going to visit some national parks as well as some historical sitesI would very much appreciate it if you could recommend some places that you think are worth seeingMoreoverit would be great if you could provide me with some useful advice about the weatherfood and transportation at these places

I look forward to your reply

Yours sincerely

Li Hua

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