4月雅思口语超重点话题:A useful equipment_雅思口语_本科留学-查字典高考网

4月雅思口语超重点话题:A useful equipment

发布时间: 2014-12-25   来源:查字典高考网

只要讲到电器的时候,同学们一般都会讲电视,电脑和手机什么的,其实我们可以讲一些更加特别的东西,据我了解到10个老外中,有7 个以上拥有IPOD,特别黑人和女人都超级迷恋她,同学们可以参考下我给的答案加以改良,祝你们成功。

Describe a useful piece of equipment

You should say:

What kind of equipment

What it looks like/what functions it has

Where /when you got it/who gave it to you

And explain how it can be used to improve the quality of your life.

A Well, I would love to talk about my little girlfriends iPod, a trendy mp3 player, which I would always take along with me wherever I go. Though it is an mp3 player I seldom use it to listen to music , but to something called a Podcast, which basically it is a kind of radio program broadcasting on the web. There are so many different programs, about culture, news, politics and even language learning. I am particularly fascinated by the free educational resources it provides. Now I have French, German and Japanese learning programs on my iPod . Given me some time, I am pretty sure I can speak some French, German or Japanese or at least some daily phrases. In a word, iPod is special to me not only because it can accompany me wherever I go just like my girlfriend, but also because it is a new technology that I have greatly benefited in language learning .

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